Contact: Suzanne Higgins (954) 777-1624
The Florida Panthers Foundation Grants $25,000 for Henderson Behavioral Health’s Youth Mental Health First Aid Program
Fort Lauderdale, Florida (February 1, 2019) – The Florida Panthers Foundation has awarded Henderson Behavioral Health a $25,000 grant for Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA). Youth Mental Health First Aid is a program of the National Council for Behavioral Health designed to teach neighbors, teachers, parents, peers, and caring citizens how to help a youth or teen who is experiencing a mental health condition or substance use challenge or is in crisis.
“We are grateful to The Florida Panthers Foundation for generously awarding us this grant in order for Henderson to educate the South Florida community about the challenges that our youth experience in today’s society – anxiety, depression, substance use and bullying are just some of those issues, said Dr. Steve Ronik, Henderson CEO. We simply could not do the work that we do without the support of valuable community partners like The Florida Panthers Foundation.”
In 2008, the National Council for Behavioral Health brought Mental Health First Aid to the U.S. To date, more than 1.5 million people in communities across the country have been trained in Mental Health First Aid through a network of more than 12,000 certified Instructors. For more information please call Suzanne Higgins at 954-777-1624 or
About Henderson Behavioral Health. Henderson Behavioral Health is the oldest and largest, community-based not-for-profit behavioral healthcare system in South Florida. Since 1953 Henderson has helped hundreds of thousands of children, adults and families. Henderson Behavioral Health’s mission is to serve as the premier provider of accessible, cost effective, and quality behavioral healthcare services to the people of South Florida in order to promote their mental health and well-being. Last year, Henderson helped over 30,000 individuals, 8,000 of whom are children, providing 600,000 services at 20 locations in South Florida. Henderson maintains the highest level of CARF (Commission on the Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities) accreditation, and has done so, continuously for over twenty years. Visit Henderson at
The Florida Panthers Foundation. The Community Champions Grant Program allows charitable organizations throughout South Florida to request financial support for their programs and initiatives. Through this grant program, Panthers ownership has committed $5 million over 5 years to the local community. At each of the 41 home games throughout the season, the Foundation will recognize and award one grant for up to $25,000 to a local organization. To learn more or apply for a grant, please visit