On Wednesday, October 21, 2015, members of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (AAPL) enjoyed a master class in the history of the development of Broward County’s pioneering Misdemeanor Mental Health Problem Solving Court. The morning featured an interactive and instructional session of Mental Health Court with emphasis on the fidelities of therapeutic justice from a recovery perspective.
AAPL is holding it’s national conference at the Harbor Beach Marriott and identified Broward’s Misdemeanor Mental Health Court for an educational site visit. Judge Lerner-Wren, together with Chief Judge Peter Weinstein and members of Broward’s Mental Health Criminal Justice stakeholder community, including Chief Judge Weinstein, Owen McNamee, Public Defender’s Office; Pam Galan and Janis Blenden, Henderson Behavioral Health; Dr. Michele Sanchez and Ruqaiyah Holmes, Broward Sheriff’s Office; Aisha McDonald, Chrysalis Behavioral Health Center and Michele Prues, Fort Lauderdale Hospital, who participated in an enlightening working lunch forum, to a distinguished group of international and national forensic psychiatrists. It was a wonderful experience for all and we thank Carolina A. Klein, M.D. of AAPL for coordinating this visit.
For more information, please see their website: http://www.aapl.org/
Congratulations Broward!